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Key Stage 2

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  • KS2 Euros Tournament

    Published 16/07/24, by Adam Gilbert

    The past few weeks have been filled with excitement and friendly competition here at Aragon Primary as our students participated in the thrilling Euros 2024 tournament. Teams of six battled it out on our playground, showcasing their skills and sportsmanship in each match.

    Today marked the culmination of this exciting tournament with the final match between Croatia and Serbia. The atmosphere was electric as both teams gave their all in a nail-biting showdown. After an intense match, Croatia emerged victorious with a close 2-1 win over Serbia. Cheers and applause echoed across the playground as Croatia celebrated their hard-earned victory.

    Mr. Hicks, our KS2 PE Tournaments Lead, reflected on the tournament: "It's been fantastic to see the children's enthusiasm and dedication throughout the Euros tournament. They showed great teamwork and sportsmanship, making every match exciting to watch."

    Congratulations to our Champions:

    Antoni, Tre, Charlie, Buster, and Macey, members of Team Croatia, deserve a special mention for their outstanding performance and determination in the final match. Their teamwork and skill were truly commendable, earning them the title of champions.

    Antoni shared his excitement, saying, "Winning the tournament feels amazing! It was tough playing against Serbia, but we worked together as a team and came out on top."

    Tre added, "I'm so proud of our team. Everyone gave their best, and it paid off in the end."

    A Big Thank You:

    A heartfelt thank you goes to Mr. Hicks for organizing such a fantastic tournament that brought our school community together in friendly competition. The play team also deserves recognition for their hard work in refereeing the matches and ensuring fair play throughout.

    Congratulations once again to Team Croatia and all the teams that participated in the Euros 2024 tournament. Your dedication and sportsmanship have made this event a memorable success for everyone at Aragon Primary School! 🏆

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  • Year 6 Amazes in The Greatest Showman Production!

    Published 16/07/24, by Adam Gilbert

    Last week was a spectacular showcase of talent as our Year 6 students took to the stage in their production of The Greatest Showman. From dazzling dance routines to powerful singing and captivating acting, our children delivered a performance that left the audience in awe.

    Mrs. Ryder, our Headteacher, expressed her admiration: "I am incredibly proud of our Year 6 stars for their hard work and dedication. They truly brought magic to the stage and showcased their talents beautifully."

    Highlights of The Greatest Showman Production:

    Outstanding Performances:
    Raven, who played Barnum, wowed the audience with his charismatic portrayal. "Playing Barnum was a dream come true. I loved every moment of being on stage and bringing the character to life," Raven shared enthusiastically.

    Dazzling Dance Moves:
    The choreography was dynamic and perfectly executed by our talented dancers. "Learning the dance routines was challenging but so rewarding. It was amazing to see it all come together," remarked Sophie, one of the Year 6 dancers.

    Musical Excellence:
    The singing performances were powerful and emotive, capturing the spirit of the iconic songs from The Greatest Showman. "Singing in front of everyone was nerve-wracking at first, but once I started, I felt exhilarated," said Aury, who had a solo in one of the songs.

    Backstage Brilliance:
    Behind the scenes, our dedicated backstage team ensured smooth transitions and stunning set changes. "Being part of the backstage crew was a lot of fun. It was exciting to see everything come together on stage," shared Antoni, a member of the backstage team.

    Thank You to All Involved:

    A heartfelt thank you goes to the hard-working staff who supported our students every step of the way, from rehearsals to the final performance. Your guidance and commitment made this production possible.

    To our Year 6 stars, backstage crew, and everyone involved in making The Greatest Showman a success, you have filled our hearts with joy and pride. Well done on an outstanding performance that will be remembered for years to come!

    Here's to celebrating the creativity, talent, and teamwork that made this production truly unforgettable. Bravo, Year 6! 🌟

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  • Healthy Me Week 2024

    Published 16/07/24, by Adam Gilbert

    In the first week of July, Aragon Primary School was buzzing with excitement as we celebrated our annual ‘Healthy Me Week 2024’ with the theme 'Path to Paris', in anticipation of the upcoming Olympics. It was a week filled with fun, learning, and plenty of physical activity!

    Miss Ballantine, our PE lead, reflected on the week: "Healthy Me Week was a fantastic opportunity for our students to embrace the importance of physical activity and well-being. Seeing them participate with such enthusiasm was truly rewarding."

    Highlights of Healthy Me Week:

    1. Sports Clothing Days:
    Throughout the week, children came dressed in their favourite sports clothing, showcasing their enthusiasm for physical activity. From football kits to dance outfits, everyone looked ready to get active!

    2. Virtual 'Race to Paris':
    In the spirit of the Olympics, each class embarked on a virtual journey to 'race to Paris'. Families logged their physical activities outside of school online, contributing to their class's progress. Mr. Gilbert, Deputy Head for curriculum, commented, "It was amazing to see the community come together to support their classes in reaching Paris. The competition really motivated everyone to stay active!"

    3. Show and Tell Assemblies:
    Year groups held special assemblies where children shared sports they participate in outside of school. "It was great to hear about my friends' hobbies and see their medals," said Nylah, a Year 3 student.

    4. Morning Zumba and HIIT Sessions:
    Before school started, teachers led energetic Zumba and HIIT sessions. Students and parents joined in, starting the day on a positive and active note.

    5. Other Activities:
    The week was packed with engaging workshops, yoga sessions, water safety education, and even our own Tough Mudder challenge. "I loved trying yoga for the first time. It made me feel calm and strong," shared James from Year 4.

    Healthy Me Week Results:

    In line with the theme, classes raced to see who could reach Paris first. Congratulations to 6EB for completing the 'Path to Paris' first! Here are the top 5 classes:

    1st Place: 6EB
    2nd Place: 6F
    3rd Place: 3M
    4th Place: RA
    5th Place: 5E

    Sports Day 2024 Highlights:

    Sports Day was a culmination of our week, filled with tremendous efforts and sportsmanship. Congratulations to all participants and winners! Here are the results:

    **KS1 AND KS2 Overall Placings:**
    1st Place: Unicorn (162 points)
    2nd Place: Phoenix (138 points)
    3rd Place: Dragon (136 points)
    4th Place: Griffin (126 points)
    Sportsmanship Award: Griffin

    **Reception Winners:**
    Dragon House

    A huge thank you to all staff and families for making Healthy Me Week 2024 a resounding success. Your support and enthusiasm made it a memorable experience for our students. Here’s to staying active and healthy throughout the year! 🌟

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  • Celebrating Year 6's Unforgettable PGL Adventure!

    Published 16/07/24, by Adam Gilbert

    We are thrilled to share the incredible experiences our Year 6 children had during their PGL residential trip to Marchant's Hill! Last week was filled with overcoming challenges, making new friends, and representing our school with pride.

    Mr. Myers, Assistant Headteacher who attended the trip, remarked, "It was amazing to see how the children tackled every activity with enthusiasm and determination. They truly made the most of every moment."

    Throughout the week, our Year 6 students participated in a wide range of thrilling activities that tested their skills and pushed them out of their comfort zones. From raft building to zip lining, rifle shooting to fencing, they embraced each challenge with courage and teamwork.

    "We had the best time ever!" exclaimed Lilly, reflecting on the trip. "I never thought I could zip line, but I did it, and it was so much fun!"

    "We made new friends from other schools, and the instructors were really nice," shared Khaleah. "I loved every activity, especially raft building!"

    A huge thank you goes out to all the staff who accompanied the children on this adventure-packed trip. Your dedication and support made this experience possible, and we are immensely grateful for your commitment to providing our students with such a memorable and enriching experience.

    The Year 6 PGL trip to Marchant's Hill has not only been a highlight of their final year at primary school but has also created lasting memories and friendships that will stay with them for years to come. Well done, Year 6, for your resilience, camaraderie, and adventurous spirit!

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  • Year 3's Thrilling Trip to the Polka Theatre!

    Published 16/07/24, by Adam Gilbert

    Our Year 3 students had an incredible adventure at the Polka Theatre in Wimbledon, where they watched the lively production of Sam Wu Is Not Afraid of Ghosts. This play, adapted from the beloved book by Katie and Kevin Tsang, brought to life a story that the children had enjoyed reading in class earlier this year.

    Sam Wu Is Not Afraid of Ghosts follows the tale of Sam Wu, who insists he’s not a scaredy-cat (even though he kind of is). The story takes a twist when a trip to the Space Museum goes terribly wrong, and Sam embarks on a mission to prove he is a fearless space adventurer. With his pet snake sidekick by his side, Sam faces his fears and battles the Ghost King in a thrilling and humorous quest.

    Miss Garcia, our Year 3 lead, was thrilled with how the visit went. "The production was absolutely fantastic! It was wonderful to see the children's faces light up as they recognised scenes from the book and saw their favourite characters come to life on stage. It truly enriched their understanding and enjoyment of the story."

    Our Year 3 students were buzzing with excitement after the performance. Here’s what some of them had to say:

    • "It was so cool to see Sam Wu on stage! I loved how they made the ghost scenes funny and not too scary," said Luca.
    • "I think the part where Sam tried to be a space adventurer was the best! It made me laugh a lot," shared Oli.
    • "Seeing the play made me want to read the book again. It was so much fun!" added Mya.

    We are incredibly grateful to the Polka Theatre for this wonderful opportunity. The visit not only brought a much-loved book to life but also inspired a renewed love for reading and storytelling amongst our Year 3 students. A big thank you to everyone involved for making this an unforgettable experience! Well done, Year 3, for being such enthusiastic and attentive audience members!

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  • Year 6's Dino-Mite Adventure at the Polka Theatre!

    Published 16/07/24, by Adam Gilbert

    On Friday, June 7th, our Year 6 students had an unforgettable experience visiting the Polka Theatre to watch the vibrant production of The Colour of Dinosaurs. This spectacular show was perfectly timed to complement their Science topic of Evolution and Inheritance, offering a dynamic and engaging way to explore the prehistoric world.

    The show was a rip-roaring, prehistoric science pop gig designed to captivate curious humans of all ages. Have you ever wondered what a dinosaur might do in a day? Or what they actually looked like? What colour were they? Did they have stripes and spots, or were they really green like in the movies? These were just some of the fascinating questions the production addressed.

    Five amazing musicians, alongside famous palaeontologist Dr. Jakob Vinther, took the students on a journey into the multi-coloured world of dinosaurs with soaring music, catchy songs, and mind-blowing science. The children were enthralled from start to finish.

    Miss. Ballantine, Year 6 lead, shared her enthusiasm about the trip: "The Colour of Dinosaurs was not only entertaining but also incredibly educational. The students were able to see their science lessons come to life in a way that was both fun and memorable. It's wonderful to see them so excited about learning."

    Our Year 6 students were equally thrilled by the experience. Here’s what some of them had to say:

    - "I loved the music and how they made the dinosaurs seem so real!" said Sofia.
    - "It was amazing to learn about the different colours and patterns dinosaurs might have had," added Aaliyah.
    - "Seeing the palaeontologist explain everything was so cool. I feel like I understand evolution so much better now," shared Kaisy.

    We are so grateful to the Polka Theatre and Dr. Jakob Vinther for providing this incredible opportunity. The visit has undoubtedly sparked a deeper interest in science and the prehistoric world amongst our students. Well done, Year 6, for being such enthusiastic and inquisitive learners!

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  • Year 6 Ninja Workshops: Preparing for Secondary School

    Published 16/07/24, by Adam Gilbert

    Our Year 6 students have recently participated in three enlightening Ninja workshops designed to help them transition smoothly to secondary school. These workshops focused on understanding and managing anxiety, which is a common experience during this important change.

    Session 1: What is Anxiety?
    In the first session, the children learnt about anxiety and why we experience it. They discovered that feeling anxious is a normal response to perceived threats, rooted in our body's evolution. Mrs. Ballantine, Year 6 lead, explained, "The children now understand that although anxiety can feel unpleasant, it's a natural and non-dangerous response. This knowledge is empowering."

    Session 2: The Worry Trap
    The second session delved into the three components of anxiety: anxious thoughts, anxious feelings, and anxious behaviours. The children explored how overestimating danger and underestimating their ability to cope can maintain anxiety. Miss O'Sullivan, our SENDCO, noted, "Teaching the students to identify and challenge their anxious thoughts is a crucial step in helping them feel more in control."

    Session 3: Relaxation Techniques
    In the final session, students practised various relaxation techniques to manage anxiety in high-stress situations. They learnt fun and effective methods such as squeezing a lemon, stretching like a giraffe, and controlled breathing. "These techniques are simple yet powerful tools that the children can use whenever they feel overwhelmed," said Mrs. Ballantine.

    Our Year 6 students found the workshops incredibly helpful:

    - "I learnt that it's okay to feel anxious and now I know how to handle it," said Liam.
    - "The relaxation techniques are really fun and make me feel calm," shared Rafael.
    - "I feel more ready for secondary school and less worried about getting lost or making new friends," added Aiden.

    We are proud of our Year 6 students for embracing these workshops and equipping themselves with valuable skills for their future. Thank you to the Ninja workshop team for making this experience both educational and enjoyable!

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  • London Broncos Visit

    Published 16/07/24, by Adam Gilbert

    This term, our school had the fantastic opportunity to welcome the London Broncos Rugby League team! They came to share the importance of staying hydrated and delivered engaging assemblies to the whole school. The children were thrilled to learn from professional athletes and were delighted to receive their very own water bottles to help them stay hydrated.

    During the assemblies, the London Broncos emphasised how vital it is to drink plenty of water, especially when participating in physical activities. Their message was clear: staying hydrated helps keep our bodies and minds healthy and strong.

    After the informative sessions, the excitement continued as the London Broncos invited us all to their upcoming match in September against the Leeds Rhinos. This special invitation has everyone eagerly anticipating a fun and thrilling day out.

    Miss Ballantine, our PE lead, was particularly enthusiastic about the visit. "Having the London Broncos here was a fantastic experience for our students. It’s not every day that you get to learn from professional athletes about the importance of hydration and healthy habits. The children were inspired and motivated, and we’re all looking forward to the match in September!"

    Our children were equally thrilled. Here’s what some of them had to say:

    - "I didn't know how important it is to drink water all the time, not just when you're thirsty," said Sam. 
    - "Getting to meet the London Broncos was so cool, and now I can’t wait to see them play," added Lily. 
    - "I’m going to make sure I drink more water every day, especially during PE," shared James.

    We are so grateful to the London Broncos for their visit and for teaching us such an important lesson about hydration. The new water bottles are a great reminder to keep drinking water throughout the day. 

    We can’t wait to support the Broncos at their match in September and cheer them on against the Leeds Rhinos! A big thank you to the London Broncos for an unforgettable experience!

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  • Y6 Growing Against Violence

    Published 16/07/24, by Adam Gilbert

    Our Year 6 students recently participated in an enlightening Friend vs Friendly workshop delivered by the Growing Against Violence (GAV) organisation. This workshop aimed to educate our pupils about the exploitative nature of gangs, dispelling the myths that gangs are merely conventional friendship groups offering protection.

    The GAV facilitator, Guy, was fantastic and really enjoyed meeting our Year 6 students. The workshop focused on helping the children create positive peer pressure to reject gang culture while providing essential personal safety advice.

    ### Key Learning Objectives:

    - **Recognise the Difference Between Friendship and Friendly:** Students learnt to differentiate between true friendships and the superficial friendliness that gangs often use to recruit members.
    - **Understand Gang Exploitation:** The workshop highlighted how gangs exploit young people and why they should not be seen as typical friendship groups.
    - **Safety Strategies:** Practical strategies were discussed to help students keep themselves safe and avoid gang involvement.

    Before and after the session, students were asked several questions to gauge their understanding and attitudes towards gangs and safety. The results showed a promising shift in their perspectives:

    #### Pre-Workshop Responses:
    - **Who would tell an adult if you or a friend was being bullied?** 56
    - **If your friend told you they were joining a gang, who would get help and tell an adult?** 68
    - **How many people think by joining a gang it means you get lots of friends?** 0
    - **Who would tell a teacher or adult if they knew someone had brought a knife into school?** 77

    #### Post-Workshop Responses:
    - **Now, who would tell an adult if you or a friend was being bullied?** 83
    - **Now, if your friend told you they were joining a gang, who would get help and tell an adult?** 83
    - **Now, how many people think by joining a gang it means you get lots of friends?** 0
    - **Now, who would tell a teacher or adult if they knew someone had brought a knife into school?** 83

    The increase in numbers shows the positive impact the workshop had on our students' willingness to seek help and report dangerous situations.

    Miss Ballantine remarked, "The Friend vs Friendly workshop was incredibly valuable. It's vital that our students understand the dangers of gang culture and how to protect themselves. The session with Guy from GAV has certainly empowered them."

    Our Year 6 students also had some insightful thoughts to share:

    - "I learned that real friends wouldn't pressure you into doing bad things," said Liam.
    - "It was helpful to know what to do if I ever feel unsafe," added Raven.
    - "I feel more confident about telling an adult if something's wrong," noted Dani-Girl.

    We are so proud of our Year 6 students for their engagement and thoughtful participation in this important workshop. Their increased awareness and understanding will undoubtedly help them make safer and more informed choices in the future. Well done, Year 6!

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  • Y5 Wonderdome

    Published 16/07/24, by Adam Gilbert

    This term, our Reception and Year 5 children embarked on a cosmic journey through their topic and science lessons by delving into the wonders of space! We were thrilled to welcome a mobile planetarium show to our school, transforming our hall into a gateway to the Universe.

    The planetarium show was an engaging and immersive experience that brought the mysteries of the skies and the thrill of space exploration right to our students.

    For our Reception pupils, the show took them on an exciting tour of the planets, shared tales of brave astronauts, and showcased the sheer power of rockets. "I loved flying past the planets! It felt like I was in a spaceship," said Emma from Reception. Miss Smith added, "It was wonderful to see the children’s eyes light up with curiosity and excitement. The show truly ignited their interest in the world and Universe around them."

    Our Year 5 students had an equally awe-inspiring experience. The show provided them with a greater understanding and appreciation of our position in the Universe. From introducing the sheer scale of the Universe to demonstrating how the Moon moves through its phases, the presenters made complex concepts easy to grasp. Milan from Year 5 exclaimed, "I never knew the Universe was so huge! The part about the Moon phases was really cool." If time allowed, Year 5 students also got to ask their burning space-related questions.

    Mr Lillie was particularly impressed, noting, "The WonderDome experience was truly awe-inspiring. It sparked a desire in the students to learn more about space, and it was fantastic to see their enthusiasm."

    We’re so proud of our budding astronomers in Reception and Year 5. This cosmic adventure has undoubtedly sparked a lasting interest in the wonders of space. Well done, everyone!

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  • Y3 Ancient Egypt VR Workshop

    Published 16/07/24, by Adam Gilbert

    This Spring term, our Year 3 children embarked on an exciting journey back in time to Ancient Egypt. Through a fantastic virtual reality workshop, they got to explore this fascinating period of history as if they were really there!

    The children were thrilled to step foot inside a reconstructed tomb, where they could see ancient artifacts and paintings up close. They even witnessed a whole city brought back to life, bustling with activity just like it would have been thousands of years ago. One of the highlights was being within touching distance of the majestic Pyramids of Giza.

    Miss Garcia said, "The virtual reality experience was incredible! It brought history to life in a way that books and pictures simply can't."

    The Year 3 students were equally enthusiastic. Oliver shared, "I felt like an explorer discovering treasures in the tomb!" Elizah added, "Seeing the Pyramids so close was amazing. I can't believe how big they are!"

    We're so proud of our Year 3 historians and can't wait to see what adventures they'll embark on next! Keep up the great work, everyone!

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  • Year 3 Spotlight - Summer 1

    Published 11/06/24, by Adam Gilbert

    Year 3 have had a busy term! We have been incredible mathematicians learning about fractions, finding equivalent fractions, adding, and subtracting fractions and solving fraction word problems. We have been learning to tell the time and looking at duration of time.

    In science, we have been amazing scientists learning about light and used our observation skills to recognise that shadows are formed when the light from a light source is blocked by an opaque object.

    We have been excellent Geographers learning about climate zones, there was a lot of knowledge to learn, and we have been super impressed with their understanding. To end this exciting unit of work we worked in groups and acted out being a meteorologist broadcasting the daily weather conditions. The children did an amazing job using key language from our geography lessons. Ask your child about the climate zones, and which climate zone the UK is in, you will be impressed!

    In our English lessons, we have looked at many different genres of writing, including fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. We have produced some fabulous and creative writing using expanded noun phrases, interesting word choices, similes, metaphors, personification and ‘show don’t tell’ techniques.

    In Art we have been creating abstract sculptures and have made our fabulous art designs using a variety of modelling materials.

    We are incredibly proud of all the children and their amazing learning!

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