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Year Three

Year 3 Information

Welcome to Year 3Image of all year 3 teachers and their roles

This is Year 3's information page where you can find all relevant information regarding your child's class and daily routines.

Support Staff: Mrs Lester, Miss Roberts, Miss Fuller, Miss Moloney


To maximise PE lesson time, children must be sent to school wearing their full P.E. kit on their P.E. day. This should be their house-coloured t-shirt, school jumper and unbranded black or navy bottoms. All jewellery must be removed prior to the lesson and long hair should be tied back for health and safety reasons. Please make sure clothing is appropriate to match the weather as often our PE lessons will be outdoors.

  • 3B - Wednesday (come to school dressed in PE kit)  & Thursday (Bring PE kit in  school bag)
  • 3G - Monday (bring PE kit in school bag) & Wednesday (Come to school dressed in PE kit)
  • 3M - Tuesday (Come to school dressed in PE kit)  & Thursday (bring PE kit in school bag)

We request that children come dressed in their full PE kit for one of the sessions (outlined above) and for their other PE session we would like children to have their PE kits in their bags ready to change into before their PE session. 

Snacks and water:

We warmly encourage your child to bring a healthy snack to enjoy during their breaktime and free fruit is provided for them. All children are strongly advised to come to school with a water bottle (containing water only) which can be refilled throughout the school day.


Please see Year 3's homework timetable below:

All homework will be set on a Friday on seesaw and will be expected to be completed by the following Wednesday (if you would prefer a paper copy please ask). Homework will consist of the following:

  • Reading, spelling and a maths focus (arithmetic/times table practise). 
Any other information:

Year 3 will only sit end of term tests. They will not sit SATs papers like they did in year 2. However, next year they will sit the MTC (Multiplication Times Table Check) which consists of 25 questions. Children have 6 seconds to answer each question. When playing on Times Table Rock Stars, children should attempt to answer questions on the 3-, 4- and 8-times tables. These tables are the new learning for this year group.