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Reception Information 

Welcome to Reception

Images of reception teachers and description of their roles

This is Reception's information page where you can find all relevant information regarding your child's class and daily routines.


Support Staff: Mrs Roberts-Simper, Mrs Sutton, Mrs Kent, Miss Coton and Mrs Allan

Image of reception pupils with their hand up

Reception Session:

8.45am – 3.20pm

What do I bring to Reception?

To ensure your child has everything they need in Reception, we ask parents to purchase a book bag with the school logo on in the colour of your child’s house team containing the following:

  • Water Bottle: Please provide a named water bottle each session for your child to have access to at all times. (We do have a water jug available but a child’s own bottle does encourage them to drink more) We also have a fruit snack over the course of the day and milk is available for those who have completed the milk form.

  • Weather appropriate clothing: a waterproof coat and warm hard in the winter and a summer hat in the summer.

Our children have lots of sensory play activities and creative activities to join in with. We do provide aprons but children can be in the sensory/messy areas without an apron and are likely to get splashes and dabs on their clothes.

  • Spare clothes: A change of clothing including a t-shirt, jumper, tracksuit bottoms, socks, underwear and shoes.  It is useful for all children to bring a spare set of clothes in case of getting wet/muddy etc and needing changed.
  • Sun cream: In the summer we ask for all children to arrive to Reception with sun cream already applied and we ask for a bottle to stay in their book bag to allow the children to reapply it themselves in the afternoon. Please ensure this is a named tube/pot.

Image of reception pupils playing with slime

What do I wear to Reception?
  • Navy Blue Trousers
  • Kilt* / Tartan Dress / Blue Gingham Summer Dress
  • Navy Jumper/Cardigan* with School Logo
  • White Polo Shirt
  • White or Navy Socks or Tights
  • Black shoes

All Aragon Primary logo items are available from

Delivery is free if sent via school.




RP (Peter Rabbit Class): Tuesday

RB (Paddington Bear Class): Wednesday

RS (Elmer Class): Thursday

To maximise PE lesson time, children must be sent to school wearing their full P.E. kit on their P.E. day. This should be their house-coloured t-shirt, school jumper and unbranded black or navy bottoms. All jewellery must be removed prior to the lesson and long hair should be tied back for health and safety reasons. Please make sure clothing is appropriate to match the weather as often our PE lessons will be outdoors.


Free fruit is provided for the children to snack on during the school day.

Image of pupil and teacher in reception playground

Love for Reading Scheme:

At Aragon, we value the importance of Early Reading and will always end the children's day with a high-quality story read to them. We wanted to share this and encourage you to do this at home too. To do this, we have introduced our 'Reading for Pleasure' scheme in Reception!

On a weekly basis, your child will be given the opportunity to choose a story from our class library. Please read this to your son/daughter and discuss the book with them afterwards. Talk about the characters, their favourite part of the story, what they can see in the pictures and more!

It would be lovely if you filled their diary with any comments your child may have said about the book.

Books to take home:

On a Thursday, your child will bring home a reading practice book. This will be at the correct phonic stage for your child. They should be able to read this fluently and independently.

National Baseline Assessment:

In September 2021, the government introduced the National Baseline Assessment for all children entering into Reception.

It is a short interactive assessment where the Class Teacher works with children on a 1:1 basis to complete a range of activities to find out what they already know. These assessments are a national requirement and are standard practise for Early Years. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to talk to your class teacher in September.

Image of pupils in an Art lesson

Sharing your children’s progress.

Sharing your children’s progress and achievements are vitally important to us. There are a range of ways that we communicate your child’s progress with you:

  • Newsletters: We have weekly newsletters that will inform you of our learning that week and any important information you may need to know.
  • Progress Consultation Meeting: You will be invited to a parent baseline meeting within your child’s first term. We will discuss your child’s progress and how well they have settled. 
  • Seesaw – Our Online Learning Platform: This was used primarily during the lockdown but we will continue to use this learning platform to set suggested home learning activities, share important information and inform you of our learning that week. You are also able to contribute to your child’s online account by uploading videos, photographs and posts.
  • Open Door Policy: All our staff are happy to answer any queries or questions so please speak to a member of our team when you drop off or collect your child. You can also email and phone us at any time.