Governing Body
The Governing Body of Aragon Primary School consists of nine elected governors, four co-opted from the local community, three staff governors one of which is the Head Teacher and two parent governors. All are appointed following nomination and election according to statutory guidance and have been elected because of their specific knowledge and skills.
Terms of office are for four years with the Chair and vice Chair requiring annual election.
The Governing Body also has Associate/Advisory members however they have no voting rights but act in an advisory capacity and bring their specific knowledge and expertise to the termly Governing Body meetings.
All governance decisions are always made in the best interest of the school, the pupils, the staff and parents/carers and all governors adhere to a strict Code of Conduct which they sign annually. Governors also complete and sign a Register of Interests form which requires them to declare any relevant business/pecuniary interests. Copies of both are available at the school and are also published on the school website.
How to contact us:
This can be arranged via the school office or by emailing
Aragon Local Governing Body
Ms Isabelle Paget
Co-opted Governor 05/07/2021 – 04/07/2025
Chair of the Governing Body
Co-opted Willow Learning Trustee
Safeguarding Link Governor
Health and Safety Link Governor
Mrs Clare Ryder
Headteacher – Ex Officio 01/09/2021
Mr Terry Daniels
Co-opted Governor 05/07/2021 – 04/07/2025
Vice Chair of the Governing Body
Mr Bradley Coupar
Co-opted Governor 01/04/2022-31/03/2026
Inclusion Link Governor
Mr Jamie Bailey
Co-opted Governor 22/03/2024 to 21/ 03 /2028
Communication and Marketing Link Governor
Mrs Gemma Fromage Crawford
Parent Elected Governor 11/12/2020-10/12/2024
PSHE/RSE and Mental health and Wellbeing Link Governor
Mrs Amanda Curl
Staff Elected Governor 01/09/2021-31/08/2025
Mr Adrian Hennessy
Co-opted Staff Governor 01/09/2021-31/08/2025
Mr Jerome Dussard-McFarlane
Parent Governor 28/09/23-27/09/27
Finance Link Governor
Miss Mary Gill
Governance Professional/Clerk
Mr Adam Gilbert Deputy Headteacher
Mr Rob Myers Assistant Headteacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead
Ms Katie O’Sullivan Inclusion Co Ordinator/ SENCo
Ms Kelly Aldis Designated Safeguarding Lead
Retired Governors
Mr Prashant Maharshi
Parent Elected Governor 09/02/2022-21/07/2023
Finance Link Governor