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Key Stage 1

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  • Year 1 Littlehampton Beach Trip

    Published 16/07/24, by Adam Gilbert

    Last Friday was an exciting day for our fantastic Year 1 students as they embarked on a thrilling adventure to Littlehampton Beach! Immersed in their Geography lessons, the children have been learning all about the seaside and its captivating features, both natural and human-made. 

    Mrs. Curl, Year 1 Lead, said: "The trip to Littlehampton Beach was a wonderful opportunity for our students to see everything we've been learning about in class come to life. They were so engaged and curious!"

    Accompanied by enthusiastic staff and supportive parents, the children explored the sandy shores, discovering shells, building sandcastles, and even dipping their toes in the refreshing seawater. "I found a big seashell and showed it to my friends," Maddie 1C.

    Of course, a visit to the seaside wouldn't be complete without indulging in delicious ice cream treats! 🍦 Mrs. Roach, our Geography Lead, added, "It's important for children to experience the seaside first-hand. They learn about not just the geography but also the joy of simple pleasures like ice cream by the sea."

    The day was filled with laughter, exploration, and new discoveries. "I liked building sandcastles with my friends," said Noah, reflecting on his favourite part of the day. "The beach was so much fun!"

    A huge thank you to all the dedicated staff and parents who organised and supported this memorable trip. The children's exemplary behaviour and enthusiasm made the day a resounding success. Here's to more adventures and learning opportunities at Aragon Primary School!

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  • Healthy Me Week 2024

    Published 16/07/24, by Adam Gilbert

    In the first week of July, Aragon Primary School was buzzing with excitement as we celebrated our annual ‘Healthy Me Week 2024’ with the theme 'Path to Paris', in anticipation of the upcoming Olympics. It was a week filled with fun, learning, and plenty of physical activity!

    Miss Ballantine, our PE lead, reflected on the week: "Healthy Me Week was a fantastic opportunity for our students to embrace the importance of physical activity and well-being. Seeing them participate with such enthusiasm was truly rewarding."

    Highlights of Healthy Me Week:

    1. Sports Clothing Days:
    Throughout the week, children came dressed in their favourite sports clothing, showcasing their enthusiasm for physical activity. From football kits to dance outfits, everyone looked ready to get active!

    2. Virtual 'Race to Paris':
    In the spirit of the Olympics, each class embarked on a virtual journey to 'race to Paris'. Families logged their physical activities outside of school online, contributing to their class's progress. Mr. Gilbert, Deputy Head for curriculum, commented, "It was amazing to see the community come together to support their classes in reaching Paris. The competition really motivated everyone to stay active!"

    3. Show and Tell Assemblies:
    Year groups held special assemblies where children shared sports they participate in outside of school. "It was great to hear about my friends' hobbies and see their medals," said Nylah, a Year 3 student.

    4. Morning Zumba and HIIT Sessions:
    Before school started, teachers led energetic Zumba and HIIT sessions. Students and parents joined in, starting the day on a positive and active note.

    5. Other Activities:
    The week was packed with engaging workshops, yoga sessions, water safety education, and even our own Tough Mudder challenge. "I loved trying yoga for the first time. It made me feel calm and strong," shared James from Year 4.

    Healthy Me Week Results:

    In line with the theme, classes raced to see who could reach Paris first. Congratulations to 6EB for completing the 'Path to Paris' first! Here are the top 5 classes:

    1st Place: 6EB
    2nd Place: 6F
    3rd Place: 3M
    4th Place: RA
    5th Place: 5E

    Sports Day 2024 Highlights:

    Sports Day was a culmination of our week, filled with tremendous efforts and sportsmanship. Congratulations to all participants and winners! Here are the results:

    **KS1 AND KS2 Overall Placings:**
    1st Place: Unicorn (162 points)
    2nd Place: Phoenix (138 points)
    3rd Place: Dragon (136 points)
    4th Place: Griffin (126 points)
    Sportsmanship Award: Griffin

    **Reception Winners:**
    Dragon House

    A huge thank you to all staff and families for making Healthy Me Week 2024 a resounding success. Your support and enthusiasm made it a memorable experience for our students. Here’s to staying active and healthy throughout the year! 🌟

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  • Year 2's Exciting Geography Fieldwork Adventure!

    Published 16/07/24, by Adam Gilbert

    As part of our current Geography topic, our Year 2 children have been exploring what life is like in Kenya and comparing it to our lives here in the UK. Learning about urban cities in Kenya has been fascinating, as the children discovered both similarities and differences to their own lives. To bring this learning to life, we embarked on a hands-on Geography fieldwork adventure in Morden.

    Fieldwork is essential in developing children's understanding of their place in the world. It offers them the chance to conduct their own investigations and connect with their local area. Our day began with an exciting bus trip to Morden town centre. The children were buzzing with anticipation as we set off on our journey.

    Once in Morden, we divided our time between Morden Hall Park and various enquiries around Morden Town Centre. The students participated in pedestrian counts, litter surveys, shop use observations, vehicle counts, and much more! These activities helped them gather real data and make meaningful comparisons between their local area and urban life in Kenya.

    Mrs. Roach, our Geography lead, was thrilled with how the day unfolded. "The fieldwork experience was invaluable for our students. It was wonderful to see them so engaged and enthusiastic about their investigations. Comparing our lives to those in Kenya has broadened their perspectives and deepened their understanding of the world."

    Our Year 2 students had a blast and learnt a lot from their fieldwork adventure. Here’s what some of them had to say:

    - "I loved counting all the cars and seeing how many different shops there are in Morden," said Alex.
    - "It was fun to do the pedestrian count and see how busy our town is. I didn't know we had so many people!" added Neala.
    - "The picnic in the park was my favourite part! We had so much fun and learnt a lot too," shared Bobby.

    After a busy morning of investigations, we enjoyed a delightful picnic in Morden Hall Park. The children relaxed, played, and shared their findings with each other. It was a perfect way to end our fieldwork day.

    We are incredibly proud of our Year 2 geographers and their hard work. This hands-on experience has enriched their learning and sparked a greater interest in the world around them. Well done, Year 2!

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  • London Broncos Visit

    Published 16/07/24, by Adam Gilbert

    This term, our school had the fantastic opportunity to welcome the London Broncos Rugby League team! They came to share the importance of staying hydrated and delivered engaging assemblies to the whole school. The children were thrilled to learn from professional athletes and were delighted to receive their very own water bottles to help them stay hydrated.

    During the assemblies, the London Broncos emphasised how vital it is to drink plenty of water, especially when participating in physical activities. Their message was clear: staying hydrated helps keep our bodies and minds healthy and strong.

    After the informative sessions, the excitement continued as the London Broncos invited us all to their upcoming match in September against the Leeds Rhinos. This special invitation has everyone eagerly anticipating a fun and thrilling day out.

    Miss Ballantine, our PE lead, was particularly enthusiastic about the visit. "Having the London Broncos here was a fantastic experience for our students. It’s not every day that you get to learn from professional athletes about the importance of hydration and healthy habits. The children were inspired and motivated, and we’re all looking forward to the match in September!"

    Our children were equally thrilled. Here’s what some of them had to say:

    - "I didn't know how important it is to drink water all the time, not just when you're thirsty," said Sam. 
    - "Getting to meet the London Broncos was so cool, and now I can’t wait to see them play," added Lily. 
    - "I’m going to make sure I drink more water every day, especially during PE," shared James.

    We are so grateful to the London Broncos for their visit and for teaching us such an important lesson about hydration. The new water bottles are a great reminder to keep drinking water throughout the day. 

    We can’t wait to support the Broncos at their match in September and cheer them on against the Leeds Rhinos! A big thank you to the London Broncos for an unforgettable experience!

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  • STEM Week 2024

    Published 22/03/24, by Adam Gilbert

    Last week we had our annual STEM week, which was a great success (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths)!

    On Monday we had a whole school focus on Engineering: we were tasked with becoming architects and engineers to create and make a British Landmark in groups with only spaghetti and marshmallows. Once completed we then had to evaluate our creations considering whether we had met our brief.

    On Tuesday, we became forensic scientists when a series of crimes hit Aragon. We had to analyse all the clues and then deduce who the perpetrator was.

    On Wednesday Years 1 to 3 were lucky enough to have a visit from the Happy Puzzle Company who challenged them with a series of mathematical puzzles. In KS2, we made the most of the newly installed Orienteering course to tackle a series of mathematical themed challenges.

    On Thursday, we became robotics engineers and games designers as we turned our focus to technology.

    A huge thanks goes out to the visitors who came in to deliver various talks to the children about their jobs within STEM:

    • Joanne Emmanuel - Clinical Researcher
    • Emily Roach - Engineer
    • Gemma Fromage-Crawford - Pharmacist
    • Simon Brown - Chair of the WLT
    • Jamie Bailey - Software Engineer
    • Jim Miles - Chief Officer, Merchant Navy
    • Kat O'Sullivan - Buyer for Sainsburys
    • Dr Marina Lomberg - Sustainable Gas Engineer
    • Louis Jearum - Civil Engineer
    • Bill O'Sullivan - Sales Director for Freeways
    • Dr Ullman - Midwife/Nurse
    • Deanne Everitt - Civil Engineer
    • Jan Mayoran - Finance Officer WLT


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  • Y2 - Ducklings

    Published 18/03/24, by Adam Gilbert

    As part of their Science unit on 'Animals including Humans' Year 2 were delighted to have some duckling eggs arrive at school.  Using our scientific skill of 'Observing Over Time', as scientists we observed the process of animal offspring starting life.  First, the eggs were stored in the incubator, keeping them warm.  Then, after a few days, the ducklings started to hatch.  A few hours after each duckling hatched it was ready to be moved into the brooding hutch. 

    As scientists, we learned that animals need food and water to survive, so we checked that the ducklings always had this available to them.  Unfortunately, one egg did not hatch, but as scientists we understand that not all animals always survive.  When the ducklings were big enough, we were able to stroke them, and Mrs Roach even put them in the sink in her classroom so that they could have a little swim.  It was a fantastic experience and has helped us to be super scientists!

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  • World Book Day 2024

    Published 15/03/24, by Adam Gilbert

    This years theme at Aragon was all about Reading for Pleasure!

    Our entire school recently took part in World Book Day on 7th March 2024! This incredible annual event is a charity event held in the United Kingdom and Ireland on the first Thursday in March. On World Book Day, every child in full-time education in the UK and the Republic of Ireland is provided with a voucher to be spent on books; the event was first celebrated in the United Kingdom in 1998. 


    It is important for children to develop a love for reading as it helps grow their vocabulary and their understanding about the world. The closeness of snuggling up with their favourite book leads to an increase in self-confidence and imagination, and helps children gain a wealth of knowledge from the books we share with them. 

    To kickstart the day, the whole school were invited to the MUGA in the playground for a costume parade. Each year group had a turn to parade around the MUGA showing off their wonderful costumes of their favourite book character. Miss Brown and Mrs Garcia chose 4 winners! However, all of the costumes were absolutely incredible so thank you! 

    Throughout the day, we did a variety of activities. We wrote stories just by choosing random words from the thesaurus to determine, the setting, characters, problem and solution. It was lovely to see the imagination and creativity flow.  

    We made ‘loo roll’ book characters which was great fun! In addition to this, we had a ‘trade off’ where children bought in books from home they no longer wanted and traded them with a book they wanted. We finished our day by watching some ‘Masked Reader’ videos where we had to guess who was behind the mask. 

    We are immensely proud of all our students for their enthusiasm and creativity during World Book Day.  

    Let’s keep the love for reading alive throughout the year and keep those pages turning! 

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  • Children's Mental Health Week

    Published 26/02/24, by Adam Gilbert

    Aragon Primary School was delighted to support 'Place 2 Be's' annual 'Children's Mental Health Week'. Held every February, 2024's week ran from the 5th11th February with the theme 'My Voice Matters.' Pupils at Aragon attended a launch assembly on the Monday morning discussing the importance of mental health and reducing stigma around this subject and increasing open dialogue.

    During the week, children participated in a number of activities linked to the theme 'My Voice Matters' including daily emotional check in's with staff, a special PSHE lesson using their voices to discuss different emotions, accumulating in a special 'Express Yourself' non uniform day where children were invited to wear a colour that reflected their feelings and to bring a small comforter toy from home. This week is just one of the many ways that Aragon Primary School achieves its long term commitment to making our school a place where all children feel that they can safely and openly express their emotions.


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  • Y1 Spotlight - Spring Term

    Published 26/02/24, by Adam Gilbert


    We have read the story of the Odd Egg. We started by how the duck in the story was feeling at the beginning. The children came up with great emotions: nervous, disappointed, confused and worried. We wrote a diary pretending to be Duck and we included feelings, adjectives and a question to end our diaries. This week everyone in year 1 has created their own bird and written sentences using interesting adjectives and written a fun fact about their bird. Each class will then put these amazing fact files together to make our own ‘Bird Spotter’s Guide’!


    We have just finished learning about different materials. We grouped different objects into what materials they are made from and spoke about the properties.

    “Plastic is hard and it can be lots of different colours” - Inaya

    “Glass is fragile because it can break easily” - Ted

    The children loved using magnets in the experiment finding out which materials are magnetic. We also learnt new scientific vocabulary: translucent, transparent and opaque. We used actions to help us remember what those new words mean!



    The children loved our recent topic called ‘Paper Play'. The children started by experimenting ways of folding strips of paper to make 3D models. Then we created larger sculptures showing the different folding techniques we had learnt.

    “I liked folding the paper lots of times to make a zig-zig and swirling the paper around a pencil” - Brooklyn

    Finally, we created pictures of trees using paper and tissue paper.





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  • Y1 - Artist Visit

    Published 26/02/24, by Adam Gilbert

    Last week, we were joined by Emily Fellah, children’s illustrator and artist. She spent time in each year 1 and 4 class sharing her journey to becoming a published illustrator. She gave tips on how to reach success and reiterated the message ‘never give up’ a moto she lives by.

    She shared some of her books and took us on an adventure meeting the characters she had created from superhero insects to gingerbread monsters!


    Then onto the main event. The ‘how to’ part of the session where Emily took us through the simple steps in creating our very own characters, from bears to robots and superheroes! She gave tips and hints throughout. The children all created their own pieces of work and were super proud of the final pieces.

    ‘I haven’t drawn a bear before; I didn’t know where to begin! I do now, I am going to show all my family tonight!’ Harliegh 

    ‘I can draw a whole family, a bear family, It was easy!’ Maddie

    ‘I have made a superhero worm, like Superworm, but my one!’ Arthur

    ‘I’m excited for the artist, I hope she can teach me how to draw!’ Albie


    ‘The children were buzzing all day, excited to get stuck in and all proud of their creations and ready to show them off! Lovely to see everyone involved and enjoying themselves! A year group of budding artists’ Mrs Lester

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  • Y2 - Wisley Gardens

    Published 26/02/24, by Adam Gilbert

    On Tuesday 20th February, the year 2 children had an exciting trip to RHS Wisley Gardens.  This trip has been organised to develop our knowledge linked to our science topic on 'Plants'.  When we arrived at the gardens we were escorted by the Learning Team at Wisley to the education centre.  After a brief introduction, we started our workshop titled 'How do plants grow?'  First, we were shown a variety of seeds and plants from across the globe.  Some of the seed pods were enormous and had come all the way from both Africa and South America.  We were then taken to explore parts of the gardens, where our guide explained to us about some of the tallest trees that grow at Wisley and how large their trunks will be when fully grown.  It was fasinating, and we were even able to apply some of our maths knowledge, thinking about if we were to measure the trees length would we do this in meters or centimeters. 


    After a good explore around the stunning gardens we went back to the education center and planted some seeds that we were able to take home with us.  By that point we were all ravenous, so we had a break for lunch before a fun packed afternoon exploring the famous glass house which homes exotic plants that you'd usually only see in deserts or rainforests.  At this point, we channeled our inner 'Henri Rousseau' the artist we have been learning about and sketched some plants like he used to in the Botanical Gardens in Paris.  To end the day, we spent a little bit of time in the natural play area.  Finally, after a long and exhausting day we were returned to school full of beans about what we had seen.   The children were incredibly well behaved and a credit to our fantastic school!   

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  • Storytelling Week

    Published 20/02/24, by Adam Gilbert

    Our entire school recently took part in Storytelling Week, from 27 January to 4 February! 📖 This incredible annual event is a vibrant celebration of the power that stories hold, reminding us of the joys of sharing them. ✨📚

     Stories have the remarkable ability to teach us about the world around us, letting us step into someone else’s shoes, encouraging empathy, and broadening our horizons. They also provide a means to relax and escape from the everyday, whilst nurturing essential literacy skills. 

    To kickstart the week,  Mrs. Ryder and Mr. Gilbert, shared an enchanting tale during our assembly. They then set a thrilling challenge for the children: to learn and retell a traditional story over the course of the week! 📚📝

     The culmination of this exciting week was a magnificent assembly, where each year group showcased their incredible storytelling skills. The performances were absolutely captivating! 

     Throughout the week, our eager students eagerly shared stories amongst themselves, and were treated to some mesmerizing tales from adults around the school. In addition to this, all parents, grandparents, aunites and uncles were invited in to school to read with their children and share stories.

    🌟 We are immensely proud of all our students for their enthusiasm and creativity during Storytelling Week. Their dedication to honing their storytelling skills was truly inspiring! 🌟

    Let's keep the magic of storytelling alive throughout the year, nurturing a love for tales that will last a lifetime! 💫📚

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