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Year Two

Year 2 Information

Welcome to Year 2

This is Year 2's information page where you can find all relevant information regarding your child's class and daily routines.

Support Staff: Mrs Fitzpatrick, Miss Kitchiner, Mrs Ingram


To maximise PE lesson time, children must be sent to school wearing their full P.E. kit on their P.E. day. This should be their house-coloured t-shirt, school jumper and unbranded black or navy bottoms. All jewellery must be removed prior to the lesson and long hair should be tied back for health and safety reasons. Please make sure clothing is appropriate to match the weather, as often our PE lessons will be outdoors.

2A - Tuesday

2B- Wednesday

2RJ - Tuesday


We warmly encourage your child to bring a healthy snack to enjoy during their breaktime and free fruit is provided for them. All children are strongly advised to come to school with a water bottle (containing water only) which can be refilled throughout the school day.


We encourage daily reading as much as possible to develop a love of reading but expect Y2 pupils to read twice a week minimum. The children's books will be changed on a Monday and Thursday and reading diaries will also be sent home on these days to be recorded in. Spellings will be sent out half termly and we will do a spelling review and a 2’s, 5’s and 10’s times table check on a Friday.