Y2 - Ducklings

As part of their Science unit on 'Animals including Humans' Year 2 were delighted to have some duckling eggs arrive at school. Using our scientific skill of 'Observing Over Time', as scientists we observed the process of animal offspring starting life. First, the eggs were stored in the incubator, keeping them warm. Then, after a few days, the ducklings started to hatch. A few hours after each duckling hatched it was ready to be moved into the brooding hutch.
As scientists, we learned that animals need food and water to survive, so we checked that the ducklings always had this available to them. Unfortunately, one egg did not hatch, but as scientists we understand that not all animals always survive. When the ducklings were big enough, we were able to stroke them, and Mrs Roach even put them in the sink in her classroom so that they could have a little swim. It was a fantastic experience and has helped us to be super scientists!