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Key Stage 1

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  • Year 2 Spotlight - Spring Term

    Published 01/02/24, by Adam Gilbert

    Spotlight Year 2


    Over the past week, we have been looking at fairy tales in English. The children have had the opportunity to listen to a traditional fairy tale (Jack and the Beanstalk) and look at an alternative fairy tale (Jim and the Beanstalk). The children have had lots of fun acting out parts of the story, retelling the story and thinking of alternative endings or adaptations. One of the pieces of work that we were extremely proud of was this recount from David (2A).

    Please scan the QR code to hear their fantastic recount of Jack and the Beanstalk. What a treat!


    We have been enhancing our understanding of measuring. Our big focus this week has been looking at mass. The children have had a lot of enjoyment from estimating which objects from around the room have the same mass. Children have also been using words such as lighter and heavier to explain their understanding. Reading scales is also an important skill that we have been focusing on. Please see the photos below of the children in 2A accurately measuring items from around the classroom and comparing the mass of each item to a 500g weight.



    Despite the freezing weather, the children went on a nature hunt this week to look for objects that they could use to create different textures. To paint with, the children found sticks and leaves to create different textures and we also provided them with items such as cotton buds and bubble wrap. The children loved this activity as it allowed them to experiment with different materials and try to make different textures. The children will be using the skills they have acquired to make a collage over the next few weeks. Watch out Banksy (whoever you are) because we have some impressive artists in our year group. Please look at the experimental work from 2R.


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  • Y1 Spotlight - Autumn Term

    Published 20/12/23, by Adam Gilbert

    Well, what a first half term we have had!

    Welcome to Year 1. The team kick starting Key Stage One is Mrs Curl, Miss Hall, Miss Muir, Miss Grimes, Mrs Lynch and Miss Roberts. We are on the lower corridor just past Reception, before the year 3 stairs and are always around to say ’hi’ and would love for you to tell us something great about your day! Pop along on your way to lunch to see us!

    This half term we have been busy settling into our new year group, exploring all the new subjects that KS1 have to offer and reading lots of new texts. We have been making artwork using only line, we have been writing stories, lists and sentences including adjectives! In addition to this, we researched our local area and popped to our local park as well as working like a scientist and setting up experiments, measuring rainfall and making shadows.

    This week we have been learning about Guy Fawkes and made our own sparklers and firework pictures using chalk and glitter … our night skies lit up!

    One of our highlights has been making our special things in PSHE and learning what is special to different people. We have been practising giving and receiving compliments and sharing the love in Year 1.

    We have just begun to research windmills and will soon be making one of our very own! In PE we have been gymnasts … working on balance, rolls, stretch and jumps. We have grown so much already but are excited to see what Autumn 2 has in store. We have Christmas plans just around the corner.


    We have some new toys in our quad area, thank you to everyone who has donated, please keep them coming! We love to explore in the Year 1 quad and look out for the new additions out there.

    We are really enjoying our extra reading sessions in class and have been teacher swapping, as well as sharing book reviews and setting challenges to find books with animals, or that are set at night to name just a few! Next weeks challenge is to find a book that has bears in it. Can you name one? Come and tell us!

    Here are some of the children’s highlights this half term:

    ‘I love the quad, the dinosaurs roar!’ Archie

    ‘I like gym the best, I can do cartwheels’ Amie

    ‘Science is the best, we measure the rainwater in a jug’ David

    ‘I like our maths, counting and subitising and making lots of part part whole models, we do it every day!’ Arthur

    ‘I love the new reading books in our reading groups, they are long and we are reading big words … chunk them!’ Buddy

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  • KS1 Humanities Week

    Published 11/12/23, by Adam Gilbert

    History came to life at Aragon last week! The theme was "hundred years of history", where each year group had the opportunity to learn about historical events they may not had heard of before! It was incredible to see the buzz around school for all things history as children were immersed in the culture, politics and entertainment of days gone by.

    Year 1 had a very exciting week exploring their part of the Aragon Timeline 1900 - 1999. We launched our week with ‘let’s play fighter pilots’ where we learnt all the things we needed to know to fly a Spitfire. We then designed our own planes and made our very own Spitfires. We then went down memory lane with Mrs Bramble who told us what it was like for her during WWII and we learnt all about ‘evacuation’ We role played to explore the feelings of going on such a big adventure. We looked at steam trains and packed our own suitcases … we realised quickly how heavy they would be and that we could only pack what we really needed to take, we would be carrying it all ourselves! Gas masks were a shock to us. They looked a lot more scary than the Covid masks we wore a few years ago! Finally we finished off the week with researching the Morden Mosque that was built in our timeline and is the biggest Mosque in Europe.


    Year 2 explored the 19th century, 1800-1899. Queen Victoria was the monarch for most of this period. We learned about life as a Victorian child, the Industrial Revolution, Victorian artist William Morris and debated the issue of the British Empire. The children were not very keen on the idea of life as chimney sweep or domestic servant!


    On Friday 1st December, we opened the doors of the Aragon Museum where children presented their findings to each other dressed as a figure from history! A big thank you to all staff who helped made Humanities Week one for the history books!


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  • Y2 Spotlight - Autumn Term

    Published 24/11/23, by Adam Gilbert

    Year 2 have had a super and busy start to this academic year! Since September, we have been learning a broad range of topics. Last half term, as artists, we explored a unit called 'Map it Out' where we learned a range of artistic skills themed around maps. A highlight for the children was exploring printing by creating their own polystyrene tiles showcasing a section of their map and then using ink to create prints. In Autumn 2 we have moved onto Design and Technology and have been learning about why different 3D shapes are best suited for chairs, themed around the story 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears' and baby bear's chair. We have discovered that a cylinder is stronger than a cuboid and triangular prism as it has no vertices.

    Image preview   Image preview   Image preview

    Last half term, as historians we explored a unit on 'The Great Fire of London'. Mr Ashby, Mrs Roach and Mrs Wingate were blown away by how engaged the children were with this unit and the recall of key historical facts was phenomenal. We are currently learning about 'Kings and Queens' and have focused on some key monarchs from different periods, including William the Conqueror, Bad King John and Henry VIII. This week, we visited Hampton Court Palace to learn more about Tudor life under the rule of Henry. The children particularly enjoyed some of the more gory facts about Tudor life, including how Henry beheaded two of his six wives!


    Currently, in our Whole Class Reading sessions we are reading non-fiction texts. 2W and 2R are reading 'The Big Book of Blue' and 2A are reading 'Your Body'. The children have been fascinated by some of the facts we have been learning. Did you know that if a jellyfish is cut in two it will become two jellyfish?

    In PE, we are currently learning gymnastics with our class teachers and have been practising our skills of travelling, balance and rolling. We have lots of skilled gymnasts in our year group who have now perfected their 'teddy bear rolls' and arabesque balances. The children are loving the additional PE sessions with the specialist coach on Thursdays and there is always a real buzz about these lessons! Last week, 2W and 2R were lucky enough to visit St. Martin's church to participate in 'A Christmas Journey' (unfortunately, due to adverse weather conditions 2A were unable to attend). During this visit the children participated in a workshop learning about the true meaning of Christmas. We are incredibly impressed with the children's behaviour and how they represented Aragon at this event.

    Finally, we have started to learn our songs for our upcoming Christmas performance 'Hey Ewe', so you may hear your children humming or singing away at home- but no spoilers allowed, we are saving that for the big day on the 21st December.


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  • Nutty Scientists

    Published 23/11/23, by Adam Gilbert

    We had a very special visit from the Nutty Scientists! The innovative Nutty Scientists® teaching techniques and curriculum is an effective way to get kids excited about science.

    The Nutty Scientists delivered two assemblies to all the children, where they wowed them with crazy experiments!

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  • Y2 Hampton Court Palace

    Published 23/11/23, by Adam Gilbert

    Last half term, as historians we explored a unit on 'The Great Fire of London'. Mr Ashby, Mrs Roach and Mrs Wingate were blown away by how engaged the children were with this unit and the recall of key historical facts was phenomenal.  We are currently learning about 'Kings and Queens' and have focused on some key monarchs from different periods, including William the Conqueror, Bad King John and Henry VIII. This week, we have visited Hampton Court Palace to learn more about Tudor life under the rule of Henry. The children particularly enjoyed some of the more gory facts about Tudor life, including how Henry beheaded two of his six wives!

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  • Wimbledon BookFest

    Published 13/11/23, by Adam Gilbert

    Years 1-2 visited Wimbledon BookFest Festival in October 2023. Aragon has now been attending the festival since 2019 and each year gets better and better!

    Year 1 joined award winning poet Kate Wakeling for a joyful, interactive performance of her beautifully crafted new poetry collection. They heard (probably) the fastest poem in the world, solved some brain tickling minibeast riddles, bob like a robin and got ready to hop aboard the friendliest steam train in town. Bursting with fun and imagination, this playful session left Year 1 feeling inspired.

    Year 2 joined Nikita Gill, a British-Indian poet, playwright, writer and illustrator at this magical event. They journied back in time with author and poet Nikita Gill for an incredible event and discovered the ancient Indian animal fables of the Panchatantra, which have been told and retold for thousands of years! They met mighty elephants and courageous mice, cunning crocodiles and clever monkeys, talkative tortoises and little lapwing birds – and each one imparts a different message that inspired the children in different ways! Celebrating friendship, cleverness, love and wisdom, this was not an event to be missed!

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  • Black History Week

    Published 13/11/23, by Adam Gilbert

    This year's focus is on the significant contributions of Black females in the UK who have been catalysts for change in various domains, including politics, the arts, technology, science, and literature.

    Throughout the week, the children immersed themselves in the stories and achievements of extraordinary women. They explored the legacies of Black artists such as Alma Thomas and Betye Starr, finding inspiration to create their own artwork. Additionally, the children paid tribute to the Windrush Generation, learning about the brave individuals who crossed the Atlantic to help rebuild the U.K. in it's time of need. We looked at the lasting impact that incredible nurses had upon the formation of the NHS and considered the stories of children who came to England.

    Year 5 and 6 students enjoyed a special online meeting with Kandace Chimburi, the author of 'Windrush Child.' Chimburi shared her insights and motivations behind writing Black history narratives for children, leaving a lasting impact on the young minds. Year 3 and 4 students had a fantastic time in a Malorie Blackman workshop, learning about the renowned author's life and her literary contributions. Years 1 and 2 were so excited to welcome a visit from Aragon parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maunganidze, who inspired the young learners to become their own heroes.

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  • Geography Field Trips

    Published 20/07/23, by Adam Gilbert

    Its been a few weeks of exciting Geography field trips for most of our year groups. 

    Y2 Geography Field Trip

    Last week, Year 2 went out on a Geography Fieldwork trip to Morden town centre. In their Geography lessons, they have been learning about life in Kenya and comparing it to live in the UK. One of the focus areas was learning about urban environments. Using various mapping apps, the children learnt about life in Mombasa, an urban city in Kenya. The children then went out and collected lots of first hand information and data about our local urban environment. On the trip, the children visited the underground station, the Civic Centre building, the high street and a residential road. The children were excellent at drawing comparisons between the two locations and understanding why Morden is a bustling town in our local area. They were all excellent geographers and could even make suggestions about to improve the local environment.


    Y4 Geography Field Trip

    Year 4 made the trip to Morden Hall Park. Linking to their Geography work on the Amazon River, they looked at the River Wandle, sketching it out and following its route on the map. They also participated in some orienteering games and map work.


    Y5 Geography Field Trip

    Year 5 took to Morden Park. They had to ‘geog’ their memory and remember back to their route travelled to swimming. They first drew a map from memory. On Google Maps, they then looked at road maps, street views, and terrain maps to see how similar they were to the ones they had made. They then set off and drew more accurate maps as they walked. Finally, they looked at the terrain of the park, and made larger scale maps using multiple pieces of paper.


    Y6 Geography Field Trip

    Last week (of course before singing happy birthday to Mrs Allan), Year 6 headed out to survey the local area (Joseph Hood Memorial Park) and decide its suitability for a case study. The children used the iPads to rate the area’s cleanliness, safety and appropriateness. They also practised their map reading skills to navigate their way to and from the park.


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  • Year 2 Spotlight - Summer

    Published 14/07/23, by Adam Gilbert

    What a busy term Year 2 have had! In English we have been writing setting descriptions based on the story ‘The Story Machine’. We have created comic strips based on the story of ‘Mungo and the Spider from Space’. We then used our imaginations to create a new adventure for Mungo.

    We had so much fun celebrating maths day with lots of fun maths activities, we started off by playing snakes and ladders, then creating our own board games - this was very popular! Children had to solve number problems to find the correct key to open the padlocks. We were great at using our estimation skills to estimate how many gems were in the jar. There were many more maths activities and we are sure the children would love to tell you all about them.

    Our science learning this term has been about Living Things and their Habitats. We have been looking at micro-habitats and are good at explaining the difference between a habitat and a micro-habitat. We made bug hotels and had to think carefully about the different layers, using our science knowledge about mini beasts. We were extremely excited when the caterpillar kits arrived at school and it has been amazing using our observational skills to watch the life cycle of the butterfly. They are now at the chrysalis stage, and we cannot wait to see the butterflies.

    In DT, we have been learning about seaside snacks and designed a savoury and sweet snack for a picnic. We made our products and evaluated them. To celebrate the end of term we had a picnic on the field eating the yummy picnic food we made in our DT lesson.
    We are extremely proud of how hard all the children have been working and they are all superstars!

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  • Healthy Me Week 2023

    Published 14/07/23, by Adam Gilbert

    Healthy Me Week 2023 returns with a bang! 💥 🏃🏾‍♂️

    ‘Inclusion’ is this year’s focus of one of our most favourite weeks of the school year. We kicked off the week with a whole school assembly on the field whereby members of staff completed an obstacle race but with one of their senses removed to show what it’s like to compete with a physical impairment. Children watched and cheered on their teachers and then were able to have a go at some inclusive activities themselves including seated volleyball, goal ball and boccia.




    During Healthy Me Week all of the children across the school took park in ‘Art in Action’ topic work. This varied from making foil people in action, drawing people in action using a variety of styles and also taking photos of people in action.
    Below is a picture of a collaborative piece of art work created by a single piece of foil for each person (some exceptions for the accessories) where the children learnt the art of folding, twisting and cutting to make a person in action. Using just their hands and foil!

    No photo description available.


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  • Year 1 - Littlehampton Beach

    Published 14/07/23, by Adam Gilbert

    Year 1 had a fantastic time on the beach at Littlehampton, after studying the seaside in their History lessons. They walked along the promenade, played on the beach and of course - ate delicious ice creams. 

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