Y6 Spotlight - Autumn Term

Say hello to the Year 6 Team: Miss Ballantine, Miss Franks, Miss Barnes, Mrs Jones, Mrs Cox, Mrs Ferretti and Mrs Knott.
We all love working in Year 6 because we love seeing how responsible and thoughtful our pupils become and we enjoy supporting and guiding them to become the fantastic role models to the rest of the school that they are. We are grateful to be able to support and prepare the children with their transition to high school and we love seeing how much the pupils mature and thrive in short space of time that they are with us.
Throughout the year, we are lucky enough to cover some fantastic topics in the curriculum, with a firm favourite so far being our Design & Technology unit of 'Waistcoats' where the children have designed and created their waistcoats.
This week, our fantastic Reading Champions have started their very important duties of reading with children in Reception in their own lunchtimes which they have voluntarily given up once, twice, or even three times a week. Being a Year 6 child at Aragon means hard-work, responsibility and maturity but far more importantly, heaps of fun!
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