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Y4 Spotlight - Autumn Term

What a fun start to Year 4 we have had! We have been learning about lots of fun and interesting topics that the children have loved.

In Maths, we have been learning our 6, 7, 9 and 11 times tables, using a range of methods such as arrays, grouping and bar models.

In English this half term, we have been looking at a story called ‘FArTHER’ based on a character who has a dream of flying but is sent away to war. So far in this unit the children have written post cards, diary entries, summaries and will go on to create their own story about a dream of their own!

In History, we have been looking at the rise and fall of Roman Britain. This has clearly been the children’s favourite topic so far this academic year and we cannot wait to visit Ufton Court to learn even more about the Romans. One of our favourite lessons in this unit was learning all about the powerful Queen of the Iceni tribe, Boudicca, who challenged the Romans in a fierce battle.

Towards of the end of last half term, some of Year 4 were able to go to Wimbledon Bookfest where they watched a performance by Stephen Mulhern and received a copy of his book ‘Magic Max’ based on his childhood. Lots of children are enjoying this book and we hope they recommend to a friend afterwards.

We are working really hard this year and are looking forward with what’s to come