Wimbledon Book Fest

Year 3-6 visited Wimbledon BookFest Festival in October 2023. Aragon has now been attending the festival since 2019 and each year gets better and better!
Year 3 saw children's author Olaf Falafel. The author, illustrator and highly engaging comedian brought his laugh-out-loud adventure to BookFest, featuring Trixie Pickle, the Banksy of her school. Trixie loves art and hates bullies - and so decides to become an Art Avenger, righting wrongs at her school through art. Highly illustrated throughout by Olaf, and with fact files of hilarious and irreverent details about being a real-life artist, this event was magical and extremely funny.
Year 4 had a workshop with TV magician and author Stephen Mulhern. The Max Magic series came to life with this event with its author: magician and TV star Stephen Mulhern. Stephen gave readings, stories from his life and amazing magic tricks galore! Max Mullers loves doing magic tricks - his gran has taught him everything he knows. In the second Max Magic book, Max competes in a national TV talent show with side-splitting results! Inspired by Stephen’s own journey to fame, the latest book in the Max Magic series is an unforgettable adventure celebrating friendship, family and magic!
Year 5 had a special workshop with former Children’s Laureate, Cressida Cowell, who returned to Wimbledon BookFest with her daring new adventure. The creator of How to Train Your Dragon and Wizards of Once series, discussed her thrilling new series about a group of children who find the crossing points to other dimensions – with live drawing!
Year 6 visited Empireland author Sathnam Sanghera, with his entertaining yet informative introduction to the British Empire for schools. This event explored how Britain's empire once made it the most powerful nation on earth, and how it still affects our lives in many ways today - from the words we use, to the food we eat and the sports we play. Because how can we ever make the world a kinder, better place for the future, if we don't know the truth about the past? Year 6 even managed to meet Sanghera and get their book signed!