Year 5 Spotlight - Summer 1

This half term we channelled our inner spies when delving ourselves into the world of Alex Rider - the schoolboy spy. We created our own gadgets, designed our own spy and villain and then wrote a story based around stopping a plot to blow up Buckingham Palace.
In Maths, we started the half term looking at tackling the tricky topic of angles where we learnt to measure, draw and categorise angles. Next, we tackled the topic of position and movement where we looked at being able to describe how shapes had been translated and reflected. We have finished this half term with the topic of measurement, where we have been converting between different units.
In Science, we have been looking at the changes that happen from being a newborn all the way up to growing old. When we asked the children to guess what age is classified as old, we were inundated with a range of different responses. The best by far was from Harry in 5L who guessed 28. We were also very lucky to have a visit from the 'Wonderdome' which coincided with our previous topic of space, the children were able to see close up what the planets look like and were all very willing to share their knowledge with the visitor.
In Art, we have been exploring creating a range of different portraits using a range of different medias - check out some of our favourites.
We cant believe we only have half a term left before they are in year 6! Lets have a great last half term.