Year 3 Spotlight - Spring Term

What another amazing term year 3 have had! We have been incredible mathematicians adding and subtracting money, solving word problems using different representations. We calculated the change needed when paying for a variety of items using notes and coins.
In science we have been learning about ‘Forces and Magnets’ comparing how things move on different surfaces. We observed how magnets attract or repel and grouped together a variety of everyday magnetic materials.
As part our RE learning, we visited Emmanuel Church where we learnt all about The Easter Story through interactive activities.
In our English lessons, we have looked at many different genres of writing, including fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. We have produced some fabulous and creative writing using expanded noun phrases, interesting word choices, similes, metaphors, personification and ‘show don’t tell’ techniques. Ask your child about these and maybe they can show you some of these techniques. You will be impressed!
In Design Technology, we learnt about the different features of a castle and designed and made our own. We had to think carefully about how we were going to ensure it was strong and stable.
Year 3 are very excited to be zooming back 500 years to explore the wonders of the Ancient Egyptians through Virtual Reality next week.
There have been many highlights this term and the children loved showcasing to you all their learning in our class assemblies.